When God said yellow. I told a PR lady and she said, yellow is used for things that go with kids. Use something else. I originally wanted fuschia pink but I knew that God had to be involved in everything concerning my work. After all it is His work. It then occurred to me that coincidentally or rather Gods incidence my producer @mrrusselcompany had used the Colour yellow when he worked on my video for #doitafraid and also my vlogs for @pocketfinancewithomilola . So I called him. I said "ah Oyakhire why did you use yellow?" He said He just felt like using it. No particular reason. Then I also remembered that recently on three different occasions, I had been wearing the Colour yellow when God did some strategic things in my life. I also remembered that when I wore a yellow dress for HOTM and posted it on Instagram, many people commented and one person said "medium yellow is your Colour". The designer of the dress @kehindeadewole Got 12 orders for that particular dress after that day. I wasn't even meant to wear that dress. I told my friend @lanenza when she came to my house, that God told me yellow. Immediately she googled it and we read what is signified and it made sense. God is interested in every little detail. Involve Him in everything concerning you and your work. The secret is God. #beinspired #beencouraged
Great job and yellow suits your brand very well. I love that particular shade of yellow